On a daily basis, we are forced to face the world around us at home, the street, work, and even in cyberspace, dealing with this harsh world has become a relationship with a lot of give-and-take, loss and grants, a peer relationship more than a utilitarian relationship, but the world does not care about who you are or what your dreams and ambitions are, and as a person who does not have the dreams of the age as can be said of money, job or luxury, and after these dreams were considered an imposition on the world's population to achieve them. Since they were young and the repeated copying of the same ideas and methods of education and joining jobs and starting families and aspiring to a greater standard of living makes it harder for those like me, I do not aspire to all that, so all I have to do is face this world and try to triumph over it even if it is a small victory like a day passing peacefully without problems.